Our Portfolio Company ALEIA Named As A Representative Vendor In The 2022 Gartner “Market Guide For Multipersona Data Science And Machine Learning Platforms” Report

We are happy to announce our second investment deal: ALEIA

The Paris based AI startup just announced their 8M€ seed round to boost the development of their open and collaborative AI Platform. We will support CEO Antoine Couret and the ALEIA team to to scale their business internationally

ALEIA offers an AI platform that is designed for industrial use cases to accelerate the operational impact of AI.  ALEIA collaborates within a growing ecosystem and brings together European solutions and data providers to offer turnkey AI applications.  Delivering a sovereign and secure AI platform is a key focus for ALEIA.

ALEIA is one of the first operational AI SaaS platforms in Europe, enabling its customers to reduce the deployment time of their AI projects from months to weeks, from R&D to production.

ALEIA already has a growing list of clients from the private and public sectors.

Customers ranging from top American companies like Disney or European companies like Renault or Vinci, data ecosystems like AI Cargo (Transportation), Paris Cyber Campus (Cyber), or public institutions like Region Val de Loire and Saint-Cyr city (Smart Cities).

Some examples of projects built on top of the ALEIA Platform by clients include:

  • Route optimization for Transportation & Carbon Footprint
  • Climate Change Mitigation tools
  • Epidemy prevention
  • New drug discovery
  • Cyber Intrusion Detection
  • Preventive maintenance in smart factories
  • Smart Agriculture
  • Etc.

The seed funding will allow ALEIA to hire another 60 people this year and accelerate the Go-To-Market activities in Germany and other European countries. 

 For more information: www.aleia.com

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