Launch of the AI.STARTUP.HUB

In March, we launched the AI.STARTUP.HUB Hamburg, with our sister organization AI.HAMBURG as one of the operating partners. It is one of four publicly funded projects in Germany and the Hub supports AI startups from Northern Germany with a systematic and entrepreneurial approach in growing successfully and scaling internationally. This includes workshops, 1:1 coaching and tools in the areas of Incubation & Acceleration, Funding Support, Go to market Strategy, AI Academy, AI Ecosystem Connector, Corporate Matching, AI Tech Toolbox and International Scale Ups. The first batch with 5-8 AI startups starts in May 2022.  

Our sister organization AI.HAMBURG is one of six project partners in this collaboration initiative, together with Hamburg InnovationArtificial Intelligence Center Hamburg (ARIC) e.V., Exponential Innovation InstituteMachineLearning in Engineering (MLE) of the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) and German Entrepreneurship (operator of the German Accelerator).

As one of four AI startup model projects in Germany, the AI.STARTUP.HUB is funded and supported by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWi) for the next four years. The goal is to develop more successful AI startups in Germany. In addition to Hamburg, further AI Hubs have been launched in Munich, Berlin and Darmstadt. This creates a unique network of regional AI Startup Hubs in Germany.

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