Our Portfolio Company ALEIA Named As A Representative Vendor In The 2022 Gartner “Market Guide For Multipersona Data Science And Machine Learning Platforms” Report

Our portfolio company ALEIA named as a Representative Vendor in the 2022 Gartner “Market Guide for Multipersona Data Science and Machine Learning Platforms” report

Our portfolio company ALEIA, a leading provider of collaborative AI SaaS Platform, has been named as a Representative Vendor in the 2022 Gartner “Market Guide for Multipersona Data Science and Machine Learning Platforms” report.

Founded in 2020 by Antoine Couret and François Lainée, ALEIA is at the heart of the ecosystem to simplify access to AI software vendors and AI project development for business users, all on one single platform. After a first financing of 8 million euros – 2 million euros in equity and 6 million euros non-dilutive financing – the mention by Gartner recognizes ALEIA as a future solution to achieve the industrialization of AI.

ALEIA bases its platform on three elements:

  • Collaboration on Data, giving platform users the possibility to share their data while guaranteeing complete control over it, from R&D to production. This allows customers to reach the critical size of data necessary to train AI algorithms and develop business applications.
  • Marketplace with AI algorithms and industrial assets, to accelerate the development of applications. ALEIA has already integrated a dozen AI partners on its platform, such as Cosmian, XXII, Qwam, LeVoiceLab, ITrust, Cliris, Linkurious, – and more partners are joining them across Europe to pool their resources on projects. 
  • Development and Execution environment, with the ability to develop, secure and deploy AI projects on a single platform. This allows everyone involved in the development process to collaborate seamlessly to extract value from AI faster. To achieve this, ALEIA guarantees a sovereign and secure platform hosted by European cloud providers.

Thanks to its innovative platform, ALEIA brings a concrete answer to organizations looking to significantly reduce the development time of their AI projects. ALEIA’s ambition is to make AI accessible to all organizations, from the public to the private sector, from small companies to large corporations.

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